Here's a short introduction to Evaluate, and how we add value to market research using neuro-diagnostics. Enjoy!

As has been proven over and over again, commercial success is founded on a solid apprehension of how and why people buy what they buy. Without understanding the appeal brands and products have to people, marketers are soon to be lost in the abyss of highly segmented, differentiated and varied markets. Grasping the motivations and…

To truly understand the motivations and aspirations of consumers towards products and services, EVALUATE developed an approach that combines the power of traditional qualitative diagnostic research and neuroscience. An approach that consists of five steps which result in a new and profound comprehension of consumer motivations and market dynamics. In the end we can provide…

In 'AERA', EVALUATE identified four key diagnostic dimensions that are important when evaluating and interpreting brain activity. The AERA diagnostic approach helps marketers make better decisions. EVALUATE's neurodiagnostic research detects and measures brain waves via electrical impulses from the brain, using an EEG. These brain waves are divided into four discernible waves that reflect different kinds…

There are two ways to visualize what goes on in the brain. One is an Electro Encephalogram or EEG, which measures brain activity that takes the form of electric pulses. Only a simple device is needed to measure these electrical pulses in the brain, no more complex and bothersome than a headphone. An EEG can…